Building your App in CI with GitHub Actions

This GitHub Actions workflow provides the basic framework necessary to test, build, and package a Briefcase project in CI for Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android.

Target Platforms

The same set of steps are used for each platform via a matrix strategy. This will create a separate job for each target platform with specific configuration.

These platforms should be updated to match your targets. To remove a platform, delete the entry from as well as the corresponding block of configuration under strategy.matrix.include.

To add a new targeted platform, add the name of the target to For instance, to target Linux Flatpak, add an entry to named Flatpak and a configuration to build a Flatpak under strategy.matrix.include, for example:

    target: [ "Windows", "macOS", "iOS", "Android", "Flatpak" ]
      - target: "Flatpak"
        platform: "Linux"
        output-format: "Flatpak"
        runs-on: "ubuntu-latest"
        pre-command: "sudo apt update && sudo apt -y install flatpak flatpak-builder"
        briefcase-run-prefix: "xvfb-run"

Target Platform Configuration

These configuration properties can be used to alter behavior of the run for each targeted platform configured in the matrix.

  • target: Name of the target from

  • platform: Name of the platform to use in briefcase commands; if blank, then target is used instead

  • output-format: Name of the platform output format for briefcase commands

  • runs-on: A valid GitHub runner image name for jobs.<job id>.runs-on

  • pre-command: Arbitrary Bash commands to run before the Briefcase commands

  • briefcase-args: Briefcase arguments to use with all briefcase commands

  • briefcase-build-prefix: Bash commands to prefix to the briefcase build command

  • briefcase-build-args: Briefcase arguments to use with the briefcase build command

  • briefcase-run-prefix: Bash commands to prefix to the briefcase run command

  • briefcase-run-args: Briefcase arguments to use with the briefcase run command

  • briefcase-package-prefix: Bash commands to prefix to the briefcase package command

  • briefcase-package-args: Briefcase arguments to use with the briefcase package command

Workflow File Location

This workflow should be saved in to a file at .github/workflows/ci.yml in your GitHub repository. Once it exists on your default branch on GitHub, a run will be triggered in the Actions tab.

Workflow Steps

  • Check out the current GitHub repository

    • This will be the version of your repository that triggered the CI run

    • So, for a pull request (PR), this is the code being submitted in the PR

    • After the PR is merged, this is the code in your default branch

  • Install Python 3.12

    • This version of Python should be updated to match the version of Python your app is targeting

  • Install the latest version of Briefcase

  • Build the test version of the app

  • Run the app’s test suite

  • Package the release version of the app for the platform

  • Upload the distributable artefact created for the platform

    • See limitations below for these artefacts

  • If an error occurs, the Briefcase log file is uploaded

Limitations of Uploaded Artefacts

The artefacts produced and uploaded by this workflow will not be signed; therefore, when the app is executed locally, some platforms may show a disconcerting warning about the security of the app or prevent the app from running altogether. See more information about code signing in the identity guides.

Workflow File Contents

name: CI
      - main  # update to match the default branch for your repo

# Cancel active CI runs for a PR before starting another run
  group: ${{ github.workflow}}-${{ github.ref }}
  cancel-in-progress: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}


    shell: bash

    name: Test and Package
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.runs-on }}
      fail-fast: false
        target: [ "Windows", "macOS", "Ubuntu-24.04", "Fedora-40", "iOS", "Android"]
          - target: "Windows"
            output-format: "app"
            runs-on: "windows-latest"

          - target: "macOS"
            output-format: "app"
            runs-on: "macos-latest"

          - target: "Ubuntu-24.04"
            platform: "Linux"
            output-format: "system"
            runs-on: "ubuntu-latest"
            pre-command: "sudo apt -y install socat"
            briefcase-run-prefix: "xvfb-run"
            briefcase-args: "--target ubuntu:24.04"

          - target: "Fedora-40"
            platform: "Linux"
            output-format: "system"
            runs-on: "ubuntu-latest"
            pre-command: "sudo apt -y install socat"
            briefcase-run-prefix: "xvfb-run"
            briefcase-args: "--target fedora:40"

          - target: "iOS"
            output-format: "Xcode"
            runs-on: "macos-latest"
            briefcase-run-args: "--device 'iPhone SE (3rd generation)'"

          - target: "Android"
            output-format: "Gradle"
            runs-on: "ubuntu-latest"
            pre-command: |
              # Enable KVM permissions for the emulator
              echo 'KERNEL=="kvm", GROUP="kvm", MODE="0666", OPTIONS+="static_node=kvm"' \
                | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/99-kvm4all.rules
              sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
              sudo udevadm trigger --name-match=kvm
            briefcase-run-args: >-
              --device '{"avd":"beePhone"}'

      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Setup Python
        uses: actions/setup-python@v4
          python-version: "3.12"  # update with your targeted Python version

      - name: Install Briefcase
        run: |
          python -m pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
          python -m pip install briefcase

      - name: Setup Environment
        run: |
          # Use GitHub's preinstalled JDK 17 for Android builds
          echo JAVA_HOME="${JAVA_HOME_17_X64:-$JAVA_HOME_17_arm64}" | tee -a ${GITHUB_ENV}
          ${{ matrix.pre-command }}

      - name: Build App
        run: |
          ${{ matrix.briefcase-build-prefix }} \
          briefcase build \
            ${{ matrix.platform || }} \
            ${{ matrix.output-format }} \
            --test --no-input --log \
            ${{ matrix.briefcase-args }} \
            ${{ matrix.briefcase-build-args }}

      - name: Test App
        run: |
          ${{ matrix.briefcase-run-prefix }} \
          briefcase run \
            ${{ matrix.platform || }} \
            ${{ matrix.output-format }} \
            --test --no-input --log \
            ${{ matrix.briefcase-args }} \
            ${{ matrix.briefcase-run-args }}

      - name: Package App
        run: |
          ${{ matrix.briefcase-package-prefix }} \
          briefcase package \
            ${{ matrix.platform || }} \
            ${{ matrix.output-format }} \
            --update --adhoc-sign --no-input --log \
            ${{ matrix.briefcase-args }} \
            ${{ matrix.briefcase-package-args }}

      - name: Upload App
        # Briefcase cannot create iOS artefacts; instead, apps
        # must be packaged and published for iOS through Xcode.
        if: != 'iOS'
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: App-${{ }}
          path: dist
          if-no-files-found: error

      - name: Upload Log
        if: failure()
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: Log-Failure-${{ }}
          path: logs/*