Contributing code to Briefcase

If you experience problems with Briefcase, log them on GitHub. If you want to contribute code, please fork the code and submit a pull request.

Setting up your development environment

The recommended way of setting up your development environment for Briefcase is to use a virtual environment, and then install the development version of Briefcase and its dependencies:

$ git clone
$ cd briefcase
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ python3 -m pip install -Ue .[dev]

Briefcase uses a tool called Pre-Commit to identify simple issues and standardize code formatting. It does this by installing a git hook that automatically runs a series of code linters prior to finalizing any git commit. To enable pre-commit, run:

(venv) $ pre-commit install
pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit

When you commit any change, pre-commit will run automatically. If there are any issues found with the commit, this will cause your commit to fail. Where possible, pre-commit will make the changes needed to correct the problems it has found:

(venv) $ git add some/
(venv) $ git commit -m "Minor change"
- hook id: black
- files were modified by this hook

reformatted some/

All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
1 file reformatted.

check toml...........................................(no files to check)Skipped
check yaml...........................................(no files to check)Skipped
check for case conflicts.................................................Passed
check docstring is first.................................................Passed
fix end of files.........................................................Passed
trim trailing whitespace.................................................Passed

You can then re-add any files that were modified as a result of the pre-commit checks, and re-commit the change.

(venv) $ git add some/
(venv) $ git commit -m "Minor change"
check toml...........................................(no files to check)Skipped
check yaml...........................................(no files to check)Skipped
check for case conflicts.................................................Passed
check docstring is first.................................................Passed
fix end of files.........................................................Passed
trim trailing whitespace.................................................Passed
[bugfix e3e0f73] Minor change
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Briefcase uses PyTest for its own test suite. It uses tox to manage the testing process. To set up a testing environment and run the full test suite:

(venv) $ tox

By default this will run the test suite multiple times, once on each Python version supported by Briefcase, as well as running some pre-commit checks of code style and validity. This can take a while, so if you want to speed up the process while developing, you can run the tests on one Python version only:

(venv) $ tox -e py

Or, to run using a specific version of Python, e.g. when you want to use Python 3.7:

(venv) $ tox -e py37

substituting the version number that you want to target. You can also specify the towncrier-check, docs or package targets to check release notes, documentation syntax and packaging metadata, respectively.

Add change information for release notes

Briefcase uses towncrier to automate building release notes. To support this, every pull request needs to have a corresponding file in the changes/ directory that provides a short description of the change implemented by the pull request.

This description should be a high level summary of the change from the perspective of the user, not a deep technical description or implementation detail. It should also be written in past tense (i.e., “Added an option to enable X” or “Fixed handling of Y”).

See News Fragments for more details on the types of news fragments you can add. You can also see existing examples of news fragments in the changes/ folder.

Now you are ready to start hacking! Have fun!