
Host Platform Support (Key)













When generating an Android project, Briefcase produces a Gradle project.

Gradle requires an install of the Android SDK and a Java 17 JDK.

If you have an existing install of the Android SDK, it will be used by Briefcase if the ANDROID_HOME environment variable is set. If ANDROID_HOME is not present in the environment, Briefcase will honor the deprecated ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable. Additionally, an existing SDK install must have version 9.0 of Command-line Tools installed; this version can be installed in the SDK Manager in Android Studio.

If you have an existing install of a Java 17 JDK, it will be used by Briefcase if the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set. On macOS, if JAVA_HOME is not set, Briefcase will use the /usr/libexec/java_home tool to find an existing JDK install.

If the above methods fail to find an Android SDK or Java JDK, Briefcase will download and install an isolated copy in its data directory.

Briefcase supports three packaging formats for an Android app:

  1. An AAB bundle (the default output of briefcase package android, or by using briefcase package android -p aab); or

  2. A Release APK (by using briefcase package android -p apk); or

  3. A Debug APK (by using briefcase package android -p debug-apk).

Icon format#

Android projects use .png format icons, in round and square variants. An application must provide the icons in the following sizes, for 2 variants:

  • round:

    • 48px

    • 72px

    • 96px

    • 144px

    • 192px

  • square:

    • 48px

    • 72px

    • 96px

    • 144px

    • 192px

Splash Image format#

Android projects use .png format splash screen images. A splash screen should be a square image with a transparent background. It must be specified in a range of sizes and variants, to suit different possible device sizes and device display densities:

  • normal (typical phones; up to 480 density-independent pixels):

    • 320px

    • 480px (hdpi)

    • 640px (xhdpi)

    • 1280px (xxxhdpi)

  • large (large format phones, or phone-tablet “phablet” hybrids; up to 720 density-independent pixels):

    • 480px

    • 720px (hdpi)

    • 960px (xhdpi)

    • 1920px (xxxhdpi)

  • xlarge (tablets; larger than 720 density-independent pixels)

    • 720px

    • 1080px (hdpi)

    • 1440px (xhdpi)

    • 2880px (xxxhdpi)

Consult the Android documentation for more details on devices, sizes, and display densities. This list of common devices with their sizes and DPI may also be helpful.

You can specify a background color for the splash screen using the splash_background_color configuration setting.

Android projects do not support installer images.

Application configuration#

The following options can be added to the<appname>.android section of your pyproject.toml file.


In addition to a version number, Android projects require a version “code”. This code is an integer version of your version number that must increase with every new release pushed to the Play Store.

Briefcase will attempt to generate a version code by combining the version number with the build number. It does this by using each part of the main version number (padded to 3 digits if necessary) and the build number as 2 significant digits of the final version code:

  • Version 1.0, build 1 becomes 1000001 (i.e, 1, 00, 00, 01)

  • Version 1.2, build 37 becomes 1020037 (i.e., 1, 02, 00, 37)

  • Version 1.2.37, build 42 becomes 1023742 (i.e, 1, 02, 37, 42)

  • Version 2020.6, build 4 becomes 2020060004 (i.e., 2020, 06, 00, 04)

If you want to manually specify a version code by defining version_code in your application configuration. If provided, this value will override any auto-generated value.

Additional options#

The following options can be provided at the command line when producing Android projects:


-d <device> / --device <device>#

The device or emulator to target. Can be specified as:

  • @ followed by an AVD name (e.g., @beePhone); or

  • a device ID (a hexadecimal identifier associated with a specific hardware device); or

  • a JSON dictionary specifying the properties of a device that will be created. This dictionary must have, at a minimum, an AVD name:

   $ briefcase run -d '{"avd":"new-device"}'

You may also specify:

- ``device_type`` (e.g., ``pixel``) - the type of device to emulate
- ``skin`` (e.g., ``pixel_3a``) - the skin to apply to the emulator
- ``system_image`` (e.g., ``system-images;android-31;default;arm64-v8a``) - the Android
  system image to use in the emulator.

If any of these attributes are *not* specified, they will fall back
to reasonable defaults.


A configuration argument to be passed to the emulator on startup. For example, to start the emulator in “headless” mode (i.e., without a display window), specify --Xemulator=-no-window. See the Android documentation for details on the full list of options that can be provided.

You may specify multiple --Xemulator arguments; each one specifies a single argument to pass to the emulator, in the order they are specified.


Instruct Briefcase to shut down the emulator when the run finishes. This is especially useful if you are running in headless mode, as the emulator will continue to run in the background, but there will be no visual manifestation that it is running. It may also be useful as a cleanup mechanism when running in a CI configuration.

Application configuration#

The following options can be added to the<appname>.android section of your pyproject.toml file:


A string providing additional Gradle settings to use when building your app. This will be added verbatim to the end of your app/build.gradle file.

Platform quirks#

Availability of third-party packages#

Briefcase is able to use third-party packages in Android apps. As long as the package is available on PyPI, or you can provide a wheel file for the package, it can be added to the requires declaration in your pyproject.toml file and used by your app at runtime.

If the package is pure Python (i.e., it does not contain a binary library), that’s all you need to do. To check whether a package is pure Python, look at the PyPI downloads page for the project; if the wheels provided are have a -py3-none-any.whl suffix, then they are pure Python wheels. If the wheels have version and platform-specific extensions (e.g., -cp311-cp311-macosx_11_0_universal2.whl), then the wheel contains a binary component.

If the package contains a binary component, that wheel needs to be compiled for Android. PyPI does not currently support uploading Android-compatible wheels, so you can’t rely on PyPI to provide those wheels. Briefcase uses a secondary repository to provide pre-compiled Android wheels.

This repository is maintained by the BeeWare project, and as a result, it does not have binary wheels for every package that is available on PyPI, or even every version of every package that is on PyPI. If you see any of the following messages when building an app for a mobile platform, then the package (or this version of it) probably isn’t supported yet:

It is usually possible to compile any binary package wheels for Android, depending on the requirements of the package itself. If the package has a dependency on other binary libraries (e.g., something like libjpeg that isn’t written in Python), those libraries will need to be compiled for Android as well. However, if the library requires build tools that don’t support Android, such as a compiler that can’t target Android, or a PEP517 build system that doesn’t support cross-compilation, it may not be possible to build an Android wheel.

The Chaquopy repository contains tools to assist with cross-compiling Android binary wheels. This repository contains recipes for building the packages that are stored in the secondary package repository. Contributions of new package recipes are welcome, and can be submitted as pull requests. Or, if you have a particular package that you’d like us to support, please visit the issue tracker and provide details about that package.