
Convert an existing project with a pyproject.toml configuration into a project that can be deployed with Briefcase. Runs a wizard to ask questions about your existing application (reading from the pyproject.toml file where applicable), adds the necessary files to the project, and updates the pyproject.toml file to include the briefcase section.


To convert your application, run the following command in the application root directory (where the pyproject.toml file is located):

$ briefcase convert


The following options can be provided at the command line.

-t <template> / --template <template>

A local directory path or URL to use as a cookiecutter template for the project.

--template-branch <branch>

The branch of the cookiecutter template repository to use for the project. If not specified, Briefcase will attempt to use a template branch matching the version of Briefcase that is being used (i.e., if you’re using Briefcase 0.3.14, Briefcase will use the v0.3.14 template branch when generating the app). If you’re using a development version of Briefcase, Briefcase will use the main branch of the template.


Override the answer to a prompt with the provided value.

For instance, if -Q "license=MIT license" is specified, then the question to choose a license will not be presented to the user and the MIT license will be automatically used for the project. When used in conjunction with --no-input, the provided value overrides the default answer.

The expected keys are specified by the cookiecutter template being used to create a new project (the same cookiecutter template is used here). Therefore, the set of possible keys is not listed here but should be expected to remain consistent for any specific version of Briefcase; with version changes, though, the keys may change.